Friday, February 5, 2010

LEGO Star Wars A-Wing Fighter

The Rebel Alliance A-wing fighters were the fastest in the fleet during the Battle of Endor.This authentic model of the A-wing includes a cockpit canopy that opens, guns that rotate and a small cargo room with supplies. Includes Rebel pilot and technician with military cargo speeder. Also, it includes 194 LEGO pieces.

Customer Review: Great Design

This particular Lego Star Wars set is pretty gosh darn durable. Once it's put together you can really play with this beauty. My 6 year old and I put it together. We love legos, but this one is a hi...

Customer Review: kids review

this kit totally rocks. The thing covering the person lifts off and the thing he is leaning against lifts off to show a secret compartment. Its sturdy and the guns can tun all the way around in a 360...
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